I recently came across a little youtube video of this amazing facility. You can see the video at youtube.com/watch?v=OTFg7jO0sFo
Their web site is at opac.bas-net.by/NBB/arch_decision.php
It really is something out of this world! Check it out.
I believe libraries are amazing places for education, discovery, entertainment, and exploration. This is a place where I post my presentations, images, discussion topics, opinions, and videos about libraries. Please feel free to comment and create a conversation about what make libraries great!
September 28, 2006
September 26, 2006
Sad Day
Well, I am sad to report that our wonderful State Librarian, Patti Butcher, has resigned to move back to Kansas and work at the Kansas State Library. While I'm sad for us, I'm happy for Patti and certainly understand her desire to go back home to her many friends and family. Patti's last day here will be around October 20 and she'll start her new job in Kansas on November 1. We wish you the best of luck!!! :-)
September 22, 2006
Tech Topics to Go
Today is the first in a series of technology training for SC State Government Employees. Today's session was on blogging.
For more information about the series, visit the Services to State Government section of our web site at www.statelibrary.sc.gov
For more information about the series, visit the Services to State Government section of our web site at www.statelibrary.sc.gov
September 21, 2006
Library Staff Day Video
Check out this wonderful library video that was used for staff day. I would have blogged it directly from YouTube but it doesn't support the new and improved Blogger Beta :-( so I've flickr'd the screenshot to it: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrtYdFV_Eak
Ghana Library Assistance
It is very important for librarians to maintain an international awareness about libraries. I am a member of the ALA International Relations round table and it's articles such as this that allow me to understand the many hardships and in other cases advancements that are taking places in libraries in other countries. Libraries don't only exist in the United States. When I was conducting research at the University of the Azores in Ponta Delgada, the professor I stayed with mentioned to me that he thought many Americans would only search American databases and if they didn't find the information they needed, then it must not exist. He opened my eyes to understanding that there are worldwide resources available to use and that we should not only look for resources in America, but also in foreign library catalogs that are available via the Internet.
Think outside the borders.
Understand what libraries in other countries do.
Have a more international awareness about the profession.
Think outside the borders.
Understand what libraries in other countries do.
Have a more international awareness about the profession.
September 20, 2006
REACH 2010
Today we had a reception at the SC State Library and included in the recognitions were the participants in the REACH 2010 project. Web site: http://reach.musc.edu/
The REACH 2010 Charleston and Georgetown Diabetes Coalition’s Library Partnership won the 2006 Health Information Award for Libraries from the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) on May 3, 2006. This was a national award with a $20,000 prize!
We also welcomed the new USC SLIS Director, Dr. Samantha Hastings, and said farewell to two of our board members, Dr. James Campbell, and Mrs. Margaret Bundy.
There was a great turn out for the reception! See the Flickr photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/scsl/sets/72157594292501152/
The REACH 2010 Charleston and Georgetown Diabetes Coalition’s Library Partnership won the 2006 Health Information Award for Libraries from the U.S. National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) on May 3, 2006. This was a national award with a $20,000 prize!
We also welcomed the new USC SLIS Director, Dr. Samantha Hastings, and said farewell to two of our board members, Dr. James Campbell, and Mrs. Margaret Bundy.
There was a great turn out for the reception! See the Flickr photos at http://www.flickr.com/photos/scsl/sets/72157594292501152/
September 19, 2006
LDS Blog
This is the new blog for the Library Development Services department at the South Carolina State Library. It uses Wordpress which looks a lot nicer IMHO than Blogger so I may have to switch over (only if it's easy!).
September 18, 2006
Blog Talk Radio
This is an interesting new tool. Libraries could use this for programming - have discussions with authors, teen book talks, broadcast library events or news, and much more. What are the possibilities? Check it out at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/.
September 15, 2006
Blogging libraries
Visit this wiki for libraries doing good things with blogs at http://tinyurl.com/pvzvp
Libraries Building Community through Citizen Dialogue
This was a great OPAL session. If you don't know about OPAL - visit their web site and USE it! www.opal-online.org.
This was an interesting and informative session by the Johnson County Library, Kansas, USA. For more information on their COMMUNITY ISSUES 101 program, visit http://issues.jocolibrary.org.
I thought their program partners were very interesting because they represented such a broad background: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, University of Kansas School of Public Administration, KCPT TV – local public TV, St. Luke’s Health System, Center for Practical Bio-ethics, Community non-profit organizations, Mid America Regional Council, Citizens Engagement Alliance, Kansas City Consensus.
The forums lasted two hours and were on various controversial topics/issues to foster dialogue among community members. The library provided information at each forum such as bibliographies and contacts, and actions to be considered which I think is a great way to help continue the conversation. However, I think it would be really good for the librarian in charge of each forum to blog the topic after each forum so that community members could respond on the blog for each topic. This would allow the library to bring in the online component of fostering community involvement and social networking online in addition to the in-person forum communication.
This was an interesting and informative session by the Johnson County Library, Kansas, USA. For more information on their COMMUNITY ISSUES 101 program, visit http://issues.jocolibrary.org.
I thought their program partners were very interesting because they represented such a broad background: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, University of Kansas School of Public Administration, KCPT TV – local public TV, St. Luke’s Health System, Center for Practical Bio-ethics, Community non-profit organizations, Mid America Regional Council, Citizens Engagement Alliance, Kansas City Consensus.
The forums lasted two hours and were on various controversial topics/issues to foster dialogue among community members. The library provided information at each forum such as bibliographies and contacts, and actions to be considered which I think is a great way to help continue the conversation. However, I think it would be really good for the librarian in charge of each forum to blog the topic after each forum so that community members could respond on the blog for each topic. This would allow the library to bring in the online component of fostering community involvement and social networking online in addition to the in-person forum communication.
September 14, 2006
Michael Stephen's photo set
Check out Michael's photos on Flickr from our SC Public Library Technology Institute. http://www.flickr.com/photos/michaelsphotos/sets/72157594284133738/
September 13, 2006
SCSL IT Matters Blog
check out our IT department's blog about today's SC Public Library Technology Institute - http://itmattersscsl.blogspot.com
TechExpress 2006 Technology Institute
Today has been great for SC's Public Libraries. I hope that librarians are charged and re-charged to become librarians 2.0. Remember, if we don't learn to use library 2.0 technology tools, we get left behind and end up missing out on some wonderful opportunities to attract new library users. The key is that we need to reach them on their level! Set up a reference IM account, get a Flickr account for your library, set up a blog - do these things at the very least to "put a human face on the library". Make the library a place where EVERYONE in your community wants to visit.
Felicia Vereen, Director of LDS
Hooray to the SCSL Library Development Staff who pulled together such a wonderful daylong technology institute! And a special thanks goes out the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for the funding.
techy librarian
Today at the technology institute, Dennis Adams from the Beaufort County Public Library uses his laptop to take notes about the first speaker.
Best time for Libraries
Stephen Abram of SirsiDynix spoke to us about what a great time it is to be in the library profession. There are so many opportunities for us in the profession to bring in new users. We have to keep up with all the changes and innovations that effect the library and information science realm so that we can serve our patrons the best we can. Libraries are becoming a focal point in every community in the United States as not only a place where people can check out books but also a place where people can meet, learn, exchange ideas, and get expert research services. Librarians need to change from being introverts, get off their chairs, and go and ask a patron if they need any help. Being proactive is where it's at!
Michael Casey and Michael Stephens
Before things got started at the SC Public Library Technology Institute, both the Michaels started taking more photos.
At the Airport
Ok, instead of running to the restroom, Michael decides to start taking photos so I had to get a photo of him taking a photo!
September 12, 2006
are we there yet?
Don't you just love flying now a days? I'm waiting for Michael and Jenny to arrive to pick them up at the airport so they can be fresh for tomorrow's SC Library Technology Institute. There will be over 250 public library staff there and I can't wait to hear our speakers!
Public Library Computing/Internet Access article
These are just the out takes from this article but you can see the full version online at http://firstmonday.org/issues/issue11_9/bertot/index.html.
September 10, 2006
Libraries with Flickr Accounts
I think it is interesting to periodically do a search in Flickr to see how many entries with the word library in their profile title. On this occasion, there were 335 profiles with the word library in the title. You can arrange the results by "member since" and "# of photos". It looks like the Owl Library (probably somewhere in China) has the most photos with 1,856, and the library that has been a Flickr member the longest is the Library Comms team in the UK.
September 08, 2006
Make your blogs talk.
This is a wonderful way to make each of your blog postings accessible. Libraries that have blogs would be able to make their announcements and postings more accessible to blind or visually impaired. What a great resource!
September 07, 2006
Interesting new reading web site - check it out! Share it with your patrons!
With anobii, you can:
* Keep track of your reading
* Discover from people who share your tastes
* Spread buzz about books you like
* Make a list of books you want to read
With anobii, you can:
* Keep track of your reading
* Discover from people who share your tastes
* Spread buzz about books you like
* Make a list of books you want to read
September 06, 2006
Enjoy the library!
I think one of the important things to remember about library 2.0 is that it's not all about technology. Libraries, like the reading area in this library (Lee County Public Library, Bishopville, SC), should be inviting and create and atmosphere that makes you want to sit down, relax in a comfortable chair, and feel at home while reading the newspaper or looking through some books you might want to check out. Library 2.0 is more than just about technology, it's about a different approach to everything that has to do with libraries.
Create welcoming spaces.
Make patrons comfortable.
Make the library enjoyable!
Create welcoming spaces.
Make patrons comfortable.
Make the library enjoyable!
Inviting Internet workstations
Yes folks, this is a public library! Today I visited the Lee County Public Library in Bishopville and it is certainly one of the most inviting interiors I've seen. It is a place you want to just explore and find a comfy place to sit and read and enjoy the surroundings. The only thing missing is the coffee! :-)
September 05, 2006
Social Commenting
I thought it was very interesting when I went to this new social commenting site and did a search for libraries or library, none were mentioned yet. I think people tend to only comment on fee-based or commercial services or company customer service, but I sure do think it would be interesting to see what people have to say about their library experience. Sign up, sign in, and comment on your library experience!
Libraries in the news
I think it's great that on the front page of the recent Columbia Star, the first two articles have to do with libraries! It is very important for librarians and especially library directors to learn a lot about public relations. If you don't know anything about public relations, contact your state library and ask for ideas and help in getting the word out. Learn how to write effective press releases for news media outlets, invite television stations to major library events and programs, and do all you can to get on the agendas of community and teacher organization meetings to get your information out there. Don't just wait for everyone to come to the library, you have to go to them first.
September 04, 2006
September 01, 2006
Very interesting web video tool to scan various social video networking sites like Google Videos and YouTube to see what people are posting - when you scroll over individual images they zoom. Check it out - www.vdiddy.com/ "Video buffet served daily".
Patti teaching
This is our state librarian teaching us about Identity 2.0 during today's tech express session for state library staff. Very interesting stuff. Loved learning about digg.com. We also discussed safety issues and DOPA as it relates to libraries as well as library liability - and it boils down to having good internet policies. Parents are ultimately responsible for their children when they're in the library.
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