February 27, 2008

Yale University Science Libraries - Text Messaging Reference Service

Txt a Science Librarian

Yale University Science Libraries has a text messaging reference service.  Very cool indeed! However, I wonder how soon it will be before professors start confiscating cell phones before exams... :-)     Don't get me wrong, I love this kind of innovative service, but my first thought was, "now students will text the librarian during exams..." not that I would have ever done anything like this!!! :-)
Yale University Science Libraries - Text Messaging Reference Service

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February 26, 2008

Save Our History - Grant Program Overview

Inspire the youth in your community to become the preservationists of tomorrow. Museums, historic sites, historical societies, preservation organizations, libraries, and archives are invited to partner with a local school or youth group and apply for funding to help preserve the history of their communities. Each year, The History Channel awards grants of up to $10,000 to organizations across the country that partner with schools or youth groups on community preservation projects that engage students in learning about, documenting and preserving the history of their communities.

The 2008/2009 Grant Cycle has begun and the grant application is available online – please click on "Grant Application" on the left hand menu to learn more and submit an application! Applications are due June 6th, 2008. Good luck! All questions can be directed to info@saveourhistory.com.

Save Our History - Grant Program Overview

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South Carolina Book Festival - YouTube station

We had a number of people come by our exhibit booth and talked about their favorite authors and even their own books in the exhibit hall. We had much fun!

SC Book Festival 2008

SC Book Festival 2008
Originally uploaded by crr29061
Here's a look at part of our exhibit booth at the SC Book Festival. It was much fun!

February 21, 2008

SC Book Festival

the 12th annual SC Book Festival is this weekend! Get to Columbia, SC and enjoy the festivities!
SC Book Festival

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February 14, 2008

Holographic Librarians?

So when are we going to get a Library of the future? Will there be a holographic librarian available to help in stellar cartography?

The Disney parks have been getting all kinds of upgrades lately, and the latest is the revival of the "House of the Future," which originally opened in the 50s and showcased such space-age household technologies as microwave ovens and plastic furniture. The new attraction eschews the original's pod-shaped exterior, pictured above, for a more traditional look, but it's inside where the action is: Disney, Microsoft, HP and LifeWare spent over $15 million on hardware and software designed to give visitors a glimpse of a hyper-connected future. Tech on display will include home automation, automatic networking, Surface and touch-based computing, and smart appliances -- all things the designers envision as being five to 10 years away.
Disney brings back the House of the Future -- with help from Microsoft and HP - Engadget

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February 11, 2008

How kids use libraries

How kids use libraries
Originally uploaded by mstephens7
just saw this on Michael Stephens' flickr account and thought I'd share. Interesting stats!

HTC Advantage X7510: now upgraded with 16GB flash memory

I always get so frustrated when I see HOT techno-gadgets like this and know that I don't have access to them because they are not available in the US yet!  Argh!. 
HTC Advantage X7510

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Send Your Senators a "Save School Libraries" Valentine!

Send Your Senators a "Save School Libraries" Valentine!

The U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor will both soon be considering reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).

In order for the SKILLs Act to be included in NCLB – that is, to place a state-certified school library media specialist in every school – each member of the Senate must co-sponsor the SKILLS Act.
I Love Libraries - Take Action

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February 09, 2008

YouTube Excluding Related Videos

This is how to not include related videos when embedding YouTube videos. Sometimes this can be helpful especially when terms you use to describe your educational video may be also used to describe 'other' things. Thanks to Polly for the tip!

Helping Patrons Help Themselves

February 08, 2008

South Carolina Digital Library Initiative

Picturing America

Picturing America
Originally uploaded by crr29061
Picturing America℠ is an initiative of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), in cooperation with the American Library Association (ALA). The goal of Picturing America℠ is to enhance the teaching, study, and understanding of American history and culture by bringing some of America’s greatest works of art into school classrooms and public libraries.

Picturing America℠ will provide K-12 schools and public libraries with 40 images of American art, an illustrated teachers resource book, and a web site containing additional information including lesson plans. Educators and librarians are invited to apply online from January 7 through April 15, 2008.


February 06, 2008

South Carolina Public Library PR Exchange

PR Exchange
Originally uploaded by crr29061
Are interesting in sharing ideas about library PR and hearing ideas from others? if so, this day long PR exchange is for you! Visit http://www.eventkeeper.com/code/events.cfm?curOrg=scsl#839791 and sign up today!

Recycled Art - Rubber Tires Sculptures as Art (GALLERY)

If you're going to have sculpture in your library or outside, make it recycled art! This is a great way to support the environment and also have interesting artwork at your library!        
Recycled Art - Rubber Tires Sculptures as Art (GALLERY)

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February 05, 2008

iLibrarian » Early Success of LOC-Flickr Pilot

Early Success of LOC-Flickr Pilot

Less than two weeks ago we saw the Library of Congress partner with the photo-sharing website Flickr in a pilot project called The Commons to display some 3,100 historical photos, (Read our earlier coverage here). Within days of the project launch, the LOC received an overwhelming response. According to their blog, here’s a summary of what happened within the first two days: * 392,000 views on the photostream * 650,000 views of photos * Adding in set and collection page views, there were about 1.1 million total views on our account * All 3,100+ photos have been viewed * 420 of the photos have comments * 1,200 of the photos have been favorited

And just look at all of those tags!
iLibrarian » Early Success of LOC-Flickr Pilot

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