January 25, 2009

Marketing Communications Committee Meeting Notes

Marketing Communications Committee Meeting Notes
Sunday January 25 2009

Marilyn Wilt, chair of the committee for LLAMA, began by discussing the main marketing plan they have developed. Fred Reuland, Marketing Specialist for LLAMA from the ALA was also in attendance. There were a total of 7 in attendance.

A new brochure was created and published.

A recruitment letter has been created and will be sent to 5000 library school deans, directors, and similar individuals that stresses and promotes LLAMA.

There are currently about 5000 members in LLAMA.


Fred discussed the new Continuing Education ventures. Regional institutes have been a regular part of LLAMA Ce programs. These institutes are purchased by large groups which has not been a very successful model. New and more institutes will be offered that will not be as costly as the old ones. A variety of new online sessions will soon be offered as well. The CLENE RT was mentioned as a possible partner for these new ventures.


Marilyn discussed what she learned at the LLAMA membership meeting. “Put the Leadership in LLAMA” was mentioned as a new tag line. LLAMA was formerly LAMA. The current tag line is “Where LIbrary Leaders Grow”.

LLAMA is in the process of reaching out to many other groups to build membership.

The question about updating the organization’s image was discussed. There was a video produced but is now a little dated. There was discussion about how stories could be solicited about how LLAMA has helped members.

There was discussion about how to recruit new LLAMA members because many people seem to think that LLAMA is just for professional librarians, or deans and directors, etc. However, LLAMA is open to anyone interested ini library leadership and administration and management. It was suggested that a LLAMA representative attend Chapter Relations Committee meetings to get the word out about what LLAMA does and just get the word out to State Chapter presidents.

There was discussion about using Facebook and other web 2.0 marketing sites. This will be happening soon.

For more information about this meeting, contact Dr. Marilyn Wilt at mrwilt@rci.rutgers.edu.

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