May 30, 2008

Every Company (and Library) Should Use Social Media | Employee Evolution

Check out this article. Shouldn't libraries be included in this equation?

Every Company Should Use Social Media | Employee Evolution
Why Every Company Needs to Embrace Social Media
Published by Ryan Healy on May 29th, 2008 in Recruiting, Technology

Social media is changing everything. Business Week recently published an article about the power of social media and how companies are beginning to embrace it, because they really don’t have a choice. Not everyone has a blog, or wants to blog, but you would be hard pressed to find many people who aren’t on some type of social network. Now it’s time for corporate America to follow suit and meet their potential customers on their own turf, or risk falling behind the times.
Image Credit: qtmcknight
[Generation Y]

The article says, “It’s as if the walls around our companies are vanishing and old org charts are lying on their sides.”

May 23, 2008

National Library Legislative Day 2008 Recap

Small Grants to Libraries

The Small Grants to Libraries program brings humanities public programming to libraries across the country.
“Soul of a People: Voices from the Writers’ Project” is a collaboration between the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Library Association (ALA), and Spark Media, a Washington, D.C.-based production and outreach company. The library programs associated with “Soul of a People” are funded by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to the American Library Association.

Curtis @ LIBRIS

Curtis @ LIBRIS
Originally uploaded by cubuckeye
one of my session attendees, Pat Gosnell, took my photo while I was taking the group's photo! ha! got me! :-)

Reading Rooster Recommends May 22 2008

May 20, 2008

The Library and Nineveh BBC Podcast

This morning on the drive to work I started listening to the podcast, "In Our Time" and the topic was about the Library at Nineveh. If you're interested in archaeology and the history of libraries, this podcast will really interest you! Fascinating stuff!

BBC - Radio 4 In Our Time - The Library at Nineveh

May 19, 2008

From the Dresden Codex to Scanning Robots

Too cool! My article about the study tour of German libraries got published in the March 2008 issue of International Leads which is the newsletter of the International Relations Round Table of ALA.

my LIBRIS conference slideshow about Flickr and Libraries

PPT for 2008 LIBRIS Conference held in Florence SC, May 16th, 2008.

SlideShare Link

Welcome to CitizenNews!

Does your library use YouTube to spread the word? Maybe you have a group of teens who want to be library reporters and share the news of your library on YouTube. This would be a great project for any teen librarian to gather together your active teens to put together a Library News channel on YouTube! If your library can spring for the video camera (Flip Video cams go for about $150) then you could have teens create news reports and post them to the library's YouTube channel! What a great way to get the word out about your library activities.

No chewing!

No chewing!
Originally uploaded by a_r_moore
I just love this sign!

May 17, 2008


green libraries
Originally uploaded by curtis rogers
Want to know more about making your library a green library? Here's a great web site to find out more.

A website dedicated to documenting the greening of libraries in the United States and beyond. This site is frequently being updated. Check back to see the growing list of  libraries that are creating more environmental friendly and sustainable institutions.  This site also contains a list of green resources for assisting libraries who are interested in becoming green.

What makes a Library Green? There are numerous things libraries can do to  become greener. Some examples are:

  • Use renewable energy resources such as solar, wind and geothermal
  • Conserve non-renewable energy and scarce materials
  • Reduce human exposure to hazardous materials
  • Implement pedestrian friendly design elements
  • Support access to alternative transportation like mass transit and bicycles

my flickr session attendees

Well, there was one very excited attendee at my Flickr training session at the LIBRIS conference yesterday! The sessions were great and I was very impressed with the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing & Technology. It was an amazing facility and the 3D demo was truly fascinating. It was very high tech!!!

May 14, 2008

Group photo with Lindsey Graham

Well today was the full day on the hill meeting with SC's politicians! We were able to briefly meet with Lindsay Graham and tell him about the importance of libraries in SC. Overall, I think we had some great meetings (but mostly with staff members) and conveyed important messages about LSTA funding, School Libraries, E-Rate and Broadband, and other hot topics. For more information about NLLD, visit

May 13, 2008

NLLD Day 1

lunch day 1
Originally uploaded by curtis rogers
We went to a yucky irish pub that had NO vegetarian options! a 1st for me in 7 years! had to settle on a bowl of steamed broccoli... went to starbucks after and they were even out of fruit n cheese plates and had to have a deviled egg sandwich... argh!

anyway, we all got our packets and picked up some pointers for tomorrow when we visit with our legislators from SC (or their staffers which will more likely be the case...) my job will be to talk about LSTA reauthorization so i better read up tonight!

May 10, 2008

National Library Legislative Day 2008

Well, it's Saturday morning and I'm at the Columbia, SC airport heading out to DC for NLLD 2008! We have ten people from SC headed up to DC ! I hope we're able to make an impact on our political representatives about the need for more funding for SC libraries!

May 08, 2008

Put the word Really OUT there!

Originally uploaded by sochilllibrary
I love how this library advertises! Makes it easy to understand what's going on at the library!

iRex launches new iLiad Book Edition e-book reader - Engadget


presentation slide
Originally uploaded by curtis rogers
This is SUCH an important thing for libraries to understand. Patrons just THINK of your web site address... kind of like they do for other things... if you are going out looking for your local library, wouldn't you think like this too? Why is this so difficult for people to understand? Let's try and make it easy for folks to fund us, not difficult...